Your number's up! A simpler solution to ANPR complexity.
Clever cameras can give you a picture of a readable number plate from a moving car at night. Even cleverer cameras can photograph and automatically read the number plate of the car. This is using a technology called Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) that allows computer processing of digital images using character recognition techniques to extract vehicle number plates.
Who ate my sandwiches? Some uses for a security camera
For much of the general public, we know security cameras are watching us, but we give them little further thought. We are aware there are security cameras in city centres, on petrol forecourts and at the gates of locked sites and we largely ignore them, excepting perhaps, the desire to wave once you realise you're on the telly at the entrance to the supermarket. Or you are Mr Bean.
No power? No problem! How to put a security camera in the middle of a field
Traditional CCTV and video monitoring has historically meant one camera and one monitor with a cable connecting the two. Modern systems are now far more complex including use of a wide variety of techniques and technologies. The vast majority of this equipment requires mains power.